Surveying project


On these we have to perform project on field, we have reached the in lab at 8:30 ,at there we had explained about 2 project that we are going to do , after explanation we took all the instrument necessary for the surveying project and the reached on field , then we established stations and after that we measured chainage and offsets and then we measured angle with theodolite and after completion of first project we have given rest for half an hour


Now we have to do our next project of developing curves on field then we were divide in group we have done all the necessary calculation previous only within 30-40 minutes we were able to complete all curves  then after one of the students went on terrace and click the photos of curves that was develop on field ,then we click the group photo with faculty and this how our both project were completed

Empathy Mapping

In today’s stressful life of ours, we usually have a habit of either forgetting or misplacing 

our important belongings. We end up spending lot of time to trace the lost things or at times we 

lose it forever. Things that we are not able to find at required moment loses its value. For example a 

document required for an interview if not traceable on the day of interview, it is likely to happen 

that we incidentally find it after a week or later. 

The above such incidences are supported by the well known Murphy’ Law which can be rewritten 

as, ‘‘anything that can be lost will be lost’’. 

In these empathy mapping we had to choose the anyone user ,then on bases user ,we have to write stakeholders which the user see daily ,then assuming that we are that user then we have then we have seek his emotion i.e we have to write two Happy story ,i.e story which describe his happy feeling and similarly we have to write the story we describe his sad story ,it was easy task we just need to thing the situation of the user and on the based on these situations we had to write the both story

Ideation canvas

Today we learned about Ideation Canvas. In that in first top most box we have to write people around us. Then below that two boxes were there. In which left side was Activities and right side was Situation/Context/Location was written. First we have to choose one user and write activities which he/she is doing and in third box we had to write the location and reason for activity. And we had to repeat this process for other all peoples. And in last box we have to create problems faced by people during activity and had to write solutions for them. It was a Wonderful Experience



Today we participated in  Exuberance competition. We participated in collage event in which we were given two topics namely (1) Face, (2)Land Scapes. We decided to make face art. So we made a women face by using pieces from magazines and news papers.



Today also we took part in second competition  i.e 

We participated in Rangoli event. There were over 150 participants. So the competition was very tough to win. But we tried our best to win. There were different categories, like colour combination, theme etc. 


We also participate in Diwali card making competition ,In these competition we have to make Diwali cards for soilder,we had to bring different types of material so that we can make the card very beautiful ,there were huge crowd who had participate in Diwali card making competition ,after sometime they also provide us extra card paper for making we have been given 1 hour to make the card ,we have to make our card very attractive as there was huge competition among all student, all were aggerly got in ,in these competition

WOW 2k17

Today i am so excited about this compitition. We have the group of approximately 100 participants. We performed the Flash Mob dance. The venue of this compitition was VR Mall, Surat. We were representing our college at district level. Total 7 college of Surat district performed in this compitition. After the dance the results was declared. We stood 1st in compitition with scoring 97 marks out of 100. Also got 25000 bucks and a Trophy. It was a wonderful experience.

Building Construction model


On the second day we started to make stepped footing, one of the major problem we faced wad how to show section ,but lucky we select to put acrlyic sheet over the first step which would be able to see all reinforcement done below

then after completing stepped footing we coloured all the model with grey color to give the look like real footing work, then we started doing detaling of model work ,different elements of different footing, name tag for all of them,this how our model was fully completed



Building construction Model


We had to make a miniaturization model for three types of footing

1.Combined Footing   2.Stepped Footing 3.Raft footing

we have used different materials such as mount-board ,Small steel rods and other basic need require for making the model.

We made this model with different scale

on the same day our mange to complete combined footing, and raft footing ,there was difficulty in setting the reinforcement ,but at last some how we mange to complete both the footing on that day, nearly it took 4hrs(approx)



Nirman 2K17 (15/09/17)



I  took part in the non-technical event , basically it was like game to be played  , Dragon ball , in which we need to through the ball inside the glass for particular points and the team with the highest point wins ,it was like fun game 


There was a validatory Function , in these function the winner of different events were awarded with trophy and certification of apprecition , also few students share their thougth ,views and their experience during these whole event, also students welcome the guest bouque of flower. Also the place was beautifully decorated ,such as perfectly as the civil based theme,

NIRMAN (2k17)



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Thia year nirman is organized under the banner of Kshitij with 6 Technical and 3 non-technical ,therefore total 9 events. Different committee were formed for different purposes . Many of them where involved in making this two day event success-full.

I have participated in the technical event named AAVISKAR (the model presentation) ,In these event everyone has to bring their model based on the civil engineering theme, the event started at 11:00 , there were approx. 20 entry for these event , there were different kinds of model everyone have the unique one

Out group  represented the model name  venturimeter , Which is used fot different purpose such as measure discharge, flow etc. We need to explain our model to jury ,we had a good presentation. There were many other events such as plan-o-clad, x-o island etc


we took part in the event name pipe pontoon , In these event we need to create a span of bridge which can carry max load which is kept floated on water , these was to be made with straw, pins ,rubber bands etc with the time limit of 1 hour, this would help to develop the mind apart from other , there were to much of student in these event, probably max participant

19/08/2017 class of DE (1-A)

Time :8:30

Today was the 4th week for dE,  there was submission of all the previous done activities ,i.e we have prepared summary sheet for AEIOU activity , i.e summary sheet contain mixer of all the five observation take by different group members at different way and we make it worth with the help of different colours of sticky notes ,sketchpens,colours etc .

Time 9:30

We learn what is mind mapping and how it is done , mind mapping is pictuorial expersion of our thought ,we need to take blank A1 Sheet and with respect to the domain we select ,we all took near about 2 hrs to complete the work of mind mapping

Time  1:45

Role-play:-  it was the activity in which we need to put own self to certain situations that our near-one gon through with that experience we had to write the role-play